
FlickFusion Blog: Automotive Marketing Education

6 Value Proposition Videos for Service

Competition for customer-pay service dollars is fierce. How can dealerships attract more business? Just as in sales, you need to answer the “why buy” question in consumers’ minds and position yourself as a trusted authority. Value proposition videos are an easy and inexpensive way to accomplish this. Create a series of service-focused videos to post on your website, use in email marketing campaigns, and post on social media profile pages. Here are several recommendations for videos that will attract car owners looking for repair options, as well as to build customer trust. Ideally, every time a customer buys a car

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Video Email

Quick Guide for a Winning Video Email Strategy

Email campaigns have long been a reliable marketing tool for dealerships, but did you know you can get even better results with video email campaigns? According to CampaignMonitor, using video in email marketing campaigns increases open rates by 19 percent, click-through rates by 65 percent, and reduces unsubscribes by 26 percent. With stats like these, why wouldn’t you embrace video email marketing? As more dealerships incorporate the use of video into their email marketing strategies, they are heeding the advice of marketing and advertising partners who advocate developing expensive videos for single-purpose campaigns. You want a new campaign? A new

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Top Features to Mention in Walkaround Inventory Videos

A typical vehicle display page (VDP) listing mentions all of the features that automakers think are important, like horsepower, MPG, and performance. Listings also include key features such as backup cameras, wheel type, and infotainment information. This is all vital information and certainly car shoppers take note of these features as they are searching for a vehicle. But what about the features they want that are not listed on the VDP? A major benefit of making live walkaround inventory videos is that you can do an energetic sales presentation designed to make car shoppers want that vehicle—the one in your

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3 Benefits of Interactive Inventory Videos

Online disruptors, including Carvana and Vroom, have invested millions of dollars into interactive video technology for one simple reason: Interactive video allows them to merchandise their vehicles in a way that engages consumers and creates an emotional connection, thus proving that shoppers will buy sight-unseen if given enough visual information. In the automotive industry, creating this emotional connection to a vehicle is critical. Car shoppers typically pick up the phone or submit a lead online only after they have become emotionally attached to a particular vehicle. Therefore, the more interactive tools and options that you provide to help car shoppers

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Transparency Sells More Vehicles

According to the 2022 Capital One Car Buying Outlook, 77 percent of dealers believe that the car buying process is transparent, but only 26 percent of consumers believe that the car buying process is transparent. What is causing this gap in perception? Transparency during the car-buying process simply means giving the customer what they want. When a car shopper first contacts a dealership, the first thing they want to know is whether the vehicle is available, what the price is, and what their personalized payment is, according to a 2021 study conducted by Marchex and Root & Associates. Next on

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Sell Your Salespeople

In a 2021 study by Marchex and Root & Associates, 91% of car shoppers said that trust in the salesperson and/or dealership was an important factor in their dealership selection process. That is higher than the percentage of people (85%) who chose “Absolute lowest price” as an important factor! As one of our great industry friends used to always say, “It’s the PEOPLE, people!” This is one reason why so many car shoppers read online reviews before visiting a dealership. They want to know if the dealership and its salespeople are trustworthy. But do you know where else they look

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Sell Your Salespeople

In a 2021 study by Marchex and Root & Associates, 91% of car shoppers said that trust in the salesperson and/or dealership was an important

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