
FlickFusion Blog: Automotive Marketing Education

How To Use Video To Increase Your Service Revenue

Have you ever been frustrated because a customer turned down a service recommendation? Perhaps they hand you the excuse that they need to consult with a spouse, friend, or family member before they accept. The problem is most consumers are pre-conditioned to say “no” to the additional service recommendations. They all know the additional service recommendation is coming, and have already prepared themselves to say no, without knowing the additional services you plan to recommend. But how do you convince that customer who lacks trust that the additional services are truly needed? VIDEO! Most consumers say “no” to the additional

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Four Videos That Build Customer Trust

At a dealership, it’s important to establish customer trust on two different levels; trust in your dealership brand and trust in your individual employees, because they are the front-line representation of your brand. Videos are an ideal medium for building that trust. Videos bring your dealership brand and your employees to life, making it easy to convey your values, expertise, and professionalism. To build customer trust, create four types of videos and post them on your website, social media platforms, and use them in your email marketing. Inventory and Walkaround Videos Credibility builds trust, and the key to being credible

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The Importance of Inventory Walk Around Videos

The popularity of inventory walkaround videos has grown, and I love seeing it. What I don’t understand is this—why aren’t those same videos on your website, AutoTrader, Cars.com—all the other touchpoints that you are paying money to market your inventory, and where “in-market” shoppers are looking? The reason you are taking the time to walk out to the car, complete your walkaround, and upload your video to Facebook is that you know people on Facebook will love the video and want to come down to your store and see the car for themselves. Isn’t that your goal with your website

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Video Is Essential for Personalization & Branding

Why does everyone like Super Bowl commercials? Heck, some people watch the Super Bowl just to see them! Companies spend millions of dollars for a 30-second slot both during and leading up to the Super Bowl. And why do consumers like them? Because they are entertaining and use video to tell help companies tell stories. Emotion sells, but so does information.  Especially when you can transfer your information in a more emotional manner, and that is exactly what utilizing videos does. They also make those companies memorable and help gain brand exposure as people continue to discuss them around the

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The Right Way to Include CTAs in your Videos

Video marketing has come a long way over the last few years. However, an increasing number of dealerships are creating great video content but then wondering why it isn’t delivering the desired reaction it was created to achieve. I get a lot of calls asking if I can provide some insight into why this great content sometimes seems to go unnoticed. More often than not, it is because the videos are missing one key fundamental element of marketing: a Call-to-Action (CTA). As with all your other marketing mediums, you can give a consumer information, but without having an effective call

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Flick Fusion Upcoming Auto Industry Events

At Flick Fusion we strive to educate dealers about the importance of integrating video into your marketing strategy and customer communications. We do this through our blogs – featured by Digital Dealer, AutoSuccess– and other sites, in addition to webinars and in-person educational events. Our goal is to provide quality education to dealers throughout the year. It is our belief that you can never stop learning. And the simple fact is that video will help dealerships engage more customers and sell more cars! Here is a sneak peek at some upcoming events in 2022 that we have scheduled: March 11-13

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3 Benefits of Interactive Inventory Videos

Online disruptors, including Carvana and Vroom, have invested millions of dollars into interactive video technology for one simple reason: Interactive video allows them to merchandise

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